About us

The Plateforme Traite – Swiss Platform against Human Trafficking is an initiative of four Swiss NGOs, all of which are active against human trafficking. All four advise and support victims of human trafficking. The common basic principles are: respect for human rights and a focus on the needs of those affected (victim-centered approach). Their services and political work is based on these principles.


The four organizations work in different regions of Switzerland. Together they cover all three major language regions. Their common goal is to guarantee the protection of victims in all cantons.


On the basis of the common basic principles, the Plateforme Traite also works for the rights of those affected and against human trafficking. It develops political actions, lobbying and awareness campaigns.

Antenna MayDay
SOS Ticino
Via G. Salvadè 12
6962 Viganello

091 973 70 67




Helpline: 0800 123 321

Antenna MayDay

Antenna MayDay was founded in 1996 in order to provide migrants with precarious residence status or sans-papiers in Ticino with better access to medical care and to advise them on questions of social law.

MayDay also specializes in counseling and accompanying victims of human trafficking and since 2019 runs a helpline for them.

The counseling center of Antenna advises specialists from the social and health care sector and social workers on the situation of precarious migrants.

Association de soutien aux victimes de traite et exploitation
Ruelle de Bourg, 7
1003 Lausanne

021 544 27 97




Helpline: 021 544 27 97


The ASTRÉE association was founded at the end of 2014 with the support of the canton of Vaud. Since June 2015, ASTRÉE has offered a victim protection program for victims of human trafficking and exploitation.

In addition to specialized counseling, Astrée also offers safe housing and accompaniment for victims of human trafficking. ASTRÉE also provides further training for experts in the field of human trafficking.

Centre social protestant CSP Genève
14, rue du Village-Suisse
CP 171
1211 Genève 8
022 807 07 00




Helpline: 0800 20 80 20

Centre social protestant CSP Genève

CSP Genève is a non-profit organization that helps people in precarious life situations. In 2015, CSP expanded its range of services and created a specialized counseling center with two lawyers, where victims of human trafficking receive counseling.

The counseling center operates a helpline where victims or witnesses of human trafficking can turn to - free of charge, confidential and anonymous. Victims of human trafficking receive legal advice and support as well as assistance in lengthy legal proceedings.

The counseling center networks with cantonal actors and also works at the political level to ensure that victim protection is improved and that obligations under international law are respected.

FIZ Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration
Hohlstrasse 511
8048 Zürich
044 436 90 00




Helpline: 044 436 90 00

FIZ Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration

Since the mid-1980s, FIZ Advocacy and Support for Migrant Women and Victims of Trafficking has been working for the protection and rights of migrant women affected by violence and exploitation. FIZ was a pioneer in the establishment of victim protection for victims of human trafficking in Switzerland:

FIZ launched the first specialized victim protection program for victims of trafficking in women with its own shelters. This program offers counseling, support, accommodation, accompaniment in criminal proceedings, and assistance with the integration or return of the victims.

The specialized unit also provides educational and political work, is networked with the relevant actors (police, judiciary, migration authorities, victim support, social welfare) and participates in round tables against human trafficking in 10 cantons.