Together against Human Trafficking
time: 15.00 - 18.00
location: NEU!! findet im PROGR statt
address: Waisenhausplatz 30, 3011 Bern; Eingang über die Speichergasse 4
!! IMPORTANT!! We had to postpone the location of our event – due to short-term corona measures. The founding event of the Plateforme Traite will now take place on Wednesday, October 14th at 3 pm in the auditorium of the PROGR, Waisenhausplatz 30, 3011 Bern; entrance via Speichergasse 4. From Speichergasse you can enter a courtyard and from there straight into the building. The assembly hall is located on the first floor.
On the occasion of this year’s European Day against Human Trafficking, four organizations are launching a new nationwide network to combat human trafficking: Plateforme Traite – Swiss platform against Human Trafficking.
Its founding members are FIZ Advocacy and support for Migrant Women and Victims of Trafficking, ASTRÉE, Centre Social Protestant (CSP) Genève, and Antenna Mayday Ticino.
All four organizations support victims of human trafficking and place the protection and rights of victims of human trafficking at the center of their work. The Plateforme Traite aims to address and improve current challenges in the fight against human trafficking in a context of respect for human rights.
Petya Nestorova, Secretary General of the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), will be a guest at the founding event.
The event will last from 3 to 5 pm with a following apéro. The detailed program will be published here soon.
Due to the current pandemic situation, registration is mandatory: info@plateforme-traite.ch
We look forward to setting together with you an important example in the fight against human trafficking – throughout Switzerland and internationally!