Eliminate cantonal differences
The commitment of the cantons is crucial to ensure that all victims of human trafficking are identified and receive specialised support, secure accommodation, counselling and professional assistance.
Read moreThe commitment of the cantons is crucial to ensure that all victims of human trafficking are identified and receive specialised support, secure accommodation, counselling and professional assistance.
Read moreTrafficking in human beings is often associated with prostitution, less often with exploitation of labour and even less with illegal activities committed under duress. The last two offences are rarely prosecuted in Switzerland.
Read moreMore and more victims of human trafficking come to Switzerland as refugees and end up in the asylum system. Their situation is alarming because the protection of victims whose asylum proceedings are pending is very limited.
Read moreCurrently, the Swiss Victim Assistance Act is based on the principle of territoriality, i.e. the crime must be committed in Switzerland or the victim must be domiciled there at the time of the offence in order for assistance to be granted.
Read moreOnce they have been identified as victims of human trafficking and have broken free from the situation of exploitation, those affected face new challenges. A particular burden for the often severely traumatised victims is the absence of a secure residence permit.
Read moreThe cooperation of the victim and possible witnesses with law enforcement authorities is crucial for a conviction.
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