Common Basic Principles

The work of the member organisations of the Swiss Platform against human trafficking is based on the following principles:

  1. Human rights-based approach: all measures and actions taken against human trafficking (THB) are based on the respect of human rights.

  2. Victim-centered approach: All decisions and actions taken are made at the request of the victim and in his/her interest. Counsellors working in victim assistance respect the principles of equity and non-discrimination.

  3. Respect for the freedom of movement of persons and respect for the “right to migrate”; importance of highlighting the connections between migration regulation systems and the phenomenon of trafficking.

  4. Sexwork is part of the social reality and must be strictly differentiated from human trafficking for sexual exploitation; the platform has a non-abolitionist approach towards sexwork.

  5. Partiality and independence: representation of the interests of the victims, political and religious neutrality, non-discrimination and respect for the values of each person.

  6. Importance of direct counseling experience: The findings and proposed solutions are based on practical experience gained in counseling and direct support of victims of THB.

  7. The platform members advocate for an improvement of the structural conditions that make a person vulnerable and therefore prone to exploitation, e.g. labour market or sex market conditions.

  8. The platform members work to promote and improve victim protection standards at the national and international levels.