
Event 18. October 2021 – “Unworthy Work!”

Affekt one year of existence, the Platform invited again to an event on this European Day against trafficking in human beings. This year, the focus was on human trafficking for labour exploitation. Each of the for founding organisations FIZ Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration, ASTRÉE, Centre Social Protestant (CSP) Genève und Antenne MayDay Ticino, held a workshop to provide insights into their work. The focus in each case was on networked cooperation. Human trafficking can only be effectively combated trough cooperation with authorities or other civil society actors. 

Dr. Anna-Laurence Graf reported on her research at the Centre Suisse de compétence pour les droits humain. She showed the state of research on human trafficking for labor exploitation in Switzerland and the need for action. In addition, Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter spoke by video message and reported on the planned third national action plan against human trafficking. Marie Saulnier-Bloch from Unia answered the question of what role trade unions can play in combating human trafficking for the purpose of labor exploitation.

Finally, the founding members postulated their demands and findings from the workshops. It became clear that we need to raise awareness of the issue. Only together can we grant trafficked persons their victims’ rights. All this can be read in more detail in the brochures.

the event was an important step for the future. Over a hundert people took part. Many thanks to all!

photos: Sabine Rock
